Our work supports community efforts to reduce youth suicide and other risk behaviors in the often hidden and historically underserved gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth population. Although the primary focus of OSSCC is sexual orientation and gender identity issues, we recognize the harm caused by harassment, violence, and discrimination of any kind.
The OSSCC seeks a large and diverse coalition membership in order to build the kind of statewide visibility and support needed to achieve its mission. OSSCC members represent a broad cross-section of public and private organizations in Oregon. Membership is open to any organization, school district, agency, faith community, business, or individual that supports the mission of the Coalition. We strive to collaborate with all organizations and individuals working for a safe and equitable society.
We seek to achieve our mission in three ways:
Education~ Education is crucial to ending prejudice and hate-motivated violence. The OSSCC prepares community members from rural, suburban, and urban areas of Oregon to plan, organize, and present educational workshops that address the health and safety needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, intersex, asexual, transgender and questioning youth and families in their communities.
Data Collection~ Ongoing data collection and reporting of anti-LGBTQIA harassment and violence is important to raising public awareness and improving the climate for all youth in our schools and communities. The OSSCC seeks to implement a statewide process for youth to report bias, harassment, or violence directed at themselves or others and to receive support and referral when reporting these activities.
Support Services~ The OSSCC will make support available at the request of youth, parents, or school personnel, to intervene in possible sexual orientation or gender identity bias and harassment situations. We can help youth create a safety plan, meet with school administrators, or provide links to educational or community resources. Read more about our Resources and Services.
Download a current copy of the Bylaws HERE
Kelly Austin - Storyteller and Development Consultant
Frank Leavitt - PPS Director of Operations
Dan Adams - Data Analyst, Oregon Department of Education​
Julie Houston - Acting Treasurer, Director, Early Childhood, Impact NW
Michelle Kroll - Dedicated parent and Board Member
Lindsay Ray - High School Math Teacher​
Joy Wallace — Co-Chair, Workshop Facilitator and Consultant

OSSCC Board members: From left to right: Lindsay Ray (Vice Chair), Dan Adams, Kelly Austin (Secretary), Julie Houston (Treasurer), Michelle Kroll, Joy Wallace (Chair).